Official website: Official Discord: Official Instagram: @qwertykey_official
<aside> 💡 0. Wireless PCB Please refer to the QK65 wireless PCB guide (in-progress) for user instructions and guidance
1. Testing Please make sure your PCB work as suggested in section 2.2 before building. Parts damaged, such as the hotswap sockets, during installation are not eligible for replacements. In case of defects, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected] via email or our Discord moderators 😃
2. FN key The key on top of the right arrow is FN or MO(1) - it will not register like other keys unless you turn on the TEST MATRIX in Design tab
Keychron has a very helpful page to help understand the function of VIA.
3. VIAL QK65 wired PCB is now compatible with VIAL. Please consult the section 4 to flash the new firmware to make your QK65 plug-and-play with VIAL.
4. VIA ( - WIRED ONLY As of now, customers still need to load the .json file for ISO HOTSWAP PCB if they wish to edit the wired keymap in VIA.
<aside> ‼️ For HOTSWAP PCB, Always support your socket firmly from the back (S area) while you’re installing switches. Failure in doing so can result in your hotswap socket getting pushed off its pad on the PCB (X) and the socket will no longer work. Based on your soldering knowledge, you may attempt fixing it at your own discretion. Qwertykeys and all of our vendors will not replace parts damaged by customers with mishandling.
Hotswap PCB that is no-longer functioning because of the socket issue